Our Story
The story of Broadmead Friends is a weaving together of the stories of the work and leadings of Friends across northwest Ohio, particularly in Toledo, Findlay, and Bluffton. Click below to read more about the history of Friends in northwest Ohio.
Peace and Social Concerns
Broadmead Friends are involved in a wide range of peace and justice issues. Individually, Friends are involved in the work of organizations like St. Paul’s Community Center, Cherry St. Mission, Habitat for Humanity, Equality Toledo, Multifaith Pride, the Billboard Campaign for Lake Erie Advocates, and Right Sharing of World Resources. Many Broadmead Friends are also involved in the wider Quaker community through organizations like Lake Erie Yearly Meeting and Friends General Conference.
One way that Broadmead Friends support each other’s work is by sharing a monthly simple meal. The dollars we would have spent on a fancier meal we donate to one of the organizations Friends are involved with.
Broadmead Friends Minute on the Israel/Palestine
We do not support the U.S. government’s ongoing financial support for weapons of war and military actions of the Israeli defense forces. We call on the U.S. government to immediately use its financial support for humanitarian efforts needed and to bring world leaders together to find a just solution to a problem created in 1948 that has proven unresolvable by military operations. As Quakers we mourn the violence and losses of both communities and support all efforts to bring Israelis and Palestinians together in peace.
(Minute approved 11-19-23)
Broadmead Friends Minute on Racism
Broadmead Friends Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) stands in solidarity with the peaceful protestors responding to the murder of George Floyd and the systemic racism it represents. Broadmead Friends remain committed to our internal antiracism work and to nonviolent movements working for racial justice.
(Minute approved 6-14-20)
Broadmead Friends Minute on Reproductive Justice
Friends gathered for discernment about how FCNL should proceed in taking a position on reproductive justice. April 16, 2023, Friends drafted and approved the following statement, which was sent to FCNL, encouraging them to articulate a position on reproductive justice:
“We (Broadmead Friends Meeting) support reproductive justice for all and a person’s right to bear or not bear children.”
Quaker Testimonies
“Testimonies” are what Quakers call the ways we have found to live and act based on our beliefs. As a group, we find that listening to and following God leads to:
Simplicity—focusing on what is truly important and letting other things fall away.
Peace—seeking justice and healing for all people; taking away the causes of war in the ways we live.
Integrity—living as whole people who act on what we believe, tell the truth, and do what we say we will do.
Community—supporting one another in our faith journeys and in times of joy and sorrow; sharing with and caring for each other. We do not always hear and follow Divine guidance; being in community with other Quakers helps us to be faithful.
Equality—treating everyone, everywhere, as equally precious to God; recognizing that everyone has gifts to share.
Stewardship of the earth—valuing and respecting all of God’s creation; using only our fair share of the earth’s resources; working for policies that protect the planet.
(Source: Friends General Conference)
Our Favorite Recipes
Quakers love a good potluck. We share a meal every third Sunday of the month when we gather for monthly meeting.
Potluck meals give rise to . . . requests for recipes.

Broadmead Friends Library
Borrow Books from Broadmead Friends Library
Each time the whole monthly meeting meets in person, our librarian brings a section of the library to monthly meeting. People can check out as many books as they would like, for as long as they like. We have cards for people to fill out when they borrow a book. If someone knows there is a specific item they want to borrow, they can email Sally at clerk@broadmeadfriends.org and she will bring the item to monthly meeting. It is possible to mail items if a person is not able to attend monthly meeting. Unfortunately, it is not possible to electronically share items at this time.
Contact Us

Bluffton Worship Group
118 S Spring St
Bluffton, OH 45817
United States
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Toledo Worship Group
The Victory Center
3166 Republic Blvd N
Toledo, OH 43615
United States
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