Welcome guest, visitor, friend
We are pleased to have you join us. Quakers believe that there is that of God in every person. In this spirit, we welcome all people regardless of age, race, differing abilities, gender identity or expression, or sexual orientation.- Can I just show up for Sunday worship? Yes
- Does it matter how I dress? No
- Will I be asked to make a donation? No
Visit our Youth page to learn about children’s programming offered by our Toledo Worship Group. Bluffton Worship Group doesn’t have a formal children’s program, but we warmly welcome children and ask you to call ahead so that we can be prepared to welcome your family.
All guests and visitors are invited to stay for our after-worship activities.
If you would like to know more about our meeting or the Religious Society of Friends in general, do not hesitate to ask.
Bluffton Worship Group
118 S Spring St
Bluffton, OH 45817
United States
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Sunday Worship
1st Sunday, 10 am, gather with Toledo via Zoom
2nd, 4th and 5th Sunday, 10 am, in Bluffton
3rd Sunday, check calendar or phone for location
Book discussion or other activity at 11 am
Toledo Worship Group
The Victory Center
3166 Republic Blvd N
Toledo, OH 43615
United States
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Sunday Activities
Sunday Worship, 10 am, in-person and Zoom
Coffee hour or activity at 11 am
Young Friends, 1st and 3rd Sundays at noon
Gathering Online
Worship on Zoom
To join us for Sunday worship via Zoom, email our Clerk at clerk@broadmeadfriends.org for the link.
Meeting for Healing
We gather via Zoom on 2nd and 4th Wednesdays for Meeting for Healing. Check our calendar for details; email our Clerk at clerk@broadmeadfriends.org for the link.
How We Worship
We gather in silence until a participant feels led to share a message with those present. Sometimes Spirit brings us — any of us — a message that seems clearly to speak to the condition of those gathered. When we are convinced that such a message is within us, we may rise to give that message as “vocal ministry.” When messages are shared, it is appropriate to leave time for silent worship between them.
During the meeting, there may be many or few messages shared. Sometimes a deep, shared stillness continues throughout the meeting with no spoken messages at all.
At the end of the worship time, a designated Friend takes hands with neighbors, then others do the same. Friends are invited to share thoughts that may have come to them during worship that did not rise to vocal ministry. Afterward, we are invited to share our joys and sorrows, followed by any announcements.
Guests and visitors are welcome to introduce themselves and join in the sharing that follows worship. Worship usually lasts about an hour. Clothing is casual. If you would like to make a donation, donations are made privately, before or after the meeting. You can use the donate button below or ask who handles donations in person.
How We Conduct Business
Much of the work of Quakers is done in committees, where members seek together for Spirit-inspired leadings, unity, and discernment in their decision-making. Our committees include:
- Ministry and Nurture
- Youth and Children
- Finance
- Site and Arrangements
Traditionally Quaker meetings are known as “monthly meetings” because they gather monthly for business meetings. We are called “Broadmead Monthly Meeting” but we have found it works well for us to hold business meetings quarterly rather than monthly. Our business meetings for business take place after meeting for worship on the third Sundays of January, April, July, and October.
- Can I come to a business meeting if I am not a member?
Yes, all are welcome to attend and to support our process with their presence. - How long will the business meeting last?
Business meetings often run 60-90 minutes but may run longer or shorter depending on how much business there is. The clerk of the meeting should be able to give you an idea of how long a particular business meeting will last.
Click below to learn more about the purpose and responsibilities of our committees.