Toledo Worship Group has a multi-age program for children during meeting for worship. Parents are asked to bring their children to the center lobby of the Victory Center before the start of 10 am worship. Our mornings together begin with sharing time and continue with a lesson for the week. Discussions and activities might relate to Quaker history, practices, and testimonies, Bible stories, or learning about other faith traditions. Older children often join adult Friends for the last fifteen minutes of worship. When worship concludes, all young Friends join the meeting and share their experiences in First Day School. A highlight of our program is our intergenerational activities. These have included game days organized by young Friends, park days, service projects, and Sundae Sundays. Whenever a fifth Sunday occurs in a given month, Friends young and old have ice cream and play games together during 11th hour.
Download the PDFs below for a sampler of topics and activities that young Toledo Friends have explored together. You can also visit our Facebook page for images of young Friends’ adventures in Toledo and with their f/Friends in Lake Erie Yearly Meeting.
Toledo Friends’ Facebook Page
Bluffton does not have an organized children’s program, but children are always welcome. Young Friends hope you enjoy their video interviews with two of our centenarian Broadmead f/Friends, Rilma Buckman and Claire Davis.
Download PDF First Day School Sampler Activities for mixed age groups
Download PDF Judy Greenberg Teeny Tiny Farewell
For information about our children’s programs,
please call Donna at 419-304-3541 or Sally at 419-953-9455.