Broadmead Minute on Israel/Palestine

This Minute on the Israel/Palestine situation was approved at a called Meeting for Business on Nov. 19, 2023:

Broadmead Friends (Quakers) call for an end to the ongoing violence and conflict in Israel-Palestine, highlighted by the current situation in Gaza. We demand an immediate ceasefire. We demand world leaders to immediately begin work on a solution that frees the Palestinian people from the military occupation and harassment that inevitably produces violent conflict.

We do not support the U.S. government’s ongoing financial support for weapons of war and military actions of the Israeli defense forces. We call on the U.S. government to immediately use its financial support for humanitarian efforts needed and to bring world leaders together to find a just solution to a problem created in 1948 that has proven unresolvable by military operations. As Quakers we mourn the violence and losses of both communities and support all efforts to bring Israelis and Palestinians together in peace.
